All of our courses consist of a series of lessons, each consisting of reading materials followed by a video presentation and then on to an assessment covering the lesson content. These assessments feature multiple choice answers, and you need to score a passing grade in order to progress to the next lesson. In courses with shorter lessons, we refer to these assessments as quizzes. To assist you with your assessments/quizzes, some of our courses have a feature we call Quiz Assist® which is a response tool that provides instant feedback when you answer an assessment question incorrectly. Its key benefit is that it shows you where to look for the information in your course notes or presentation to help you answer the question correctly. If your course features Quiz Assist® it will be marked as such. All of our courses are awarded CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points and allow you to download a certificate of completion. Some of our compliance related courses offer other independent certifications from external providers.
Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion for all courses successfully completed. You can download your certification upon successful completion of the course. Our courses also attract CPD points as per international guidelines on vocational development. More information can be found on our Accreditation Information page. Some of our compliance courses have additional accreditation from independent providers. See individual course details.
We do have recommended texts that are an integral part of the course content, and in the Advanced Skin Analysis program, they are included in the cost and provided as e-books.
You have a maximum of 18 months from enrollment to complete the entire Advanced Skin Analysis program, however most people complete it in half that time. If you do need more time, you can contact us for an extension.
Each of the 7 modules of Advanced Skin Analysis can be completed in less than a week if the learner is focused and has the time available. Average time is generally 3-4 weeks per module, so all modules could be done over a 7 month period part-time with ease. The entire Advanced Skin Analysis program is US$965-about$15 per hour of learning. Amazing value!
You need minimal skills to use our distance learning. As long as you follow the instructions in the orientation section of how to use the system you should have no problems. More information can be found here.
Yes, The Pastiche method is non-product aligned. You can apply the knowledge gained to any treatment philosophy or modality that is non-ablative.
If your learning account is still active, (You are undertaking other courses) then you will still have access to all the courses in your library. Completed courses are in your achievements section.
Yes you can, however you will need to download the Litmos app. Full instructions are provided upon enrolment, and at the link here
If you have lost your saved log-in URL, please go to the link here. Save this URL for all future access to your account. If you have forgotten your username, email with your details and an enrolment administrator will organize a re-set of your account. If you are on a compliance course that has a team leader, you can contact them for a reset also. Please note you may be asked to provide proof of your identity.
First place to try is the main access link here. If you don’t remember your user name or password, please use the “forgotten” function under the Login button.
The temporary access link that was sent to you on enrollment has expired. It is only valid for 48 hours. In the orientation section, you are advised to access your account as soon as possible after receiving this link to set up a permanent password and update your profile. To re-enable a new link to access your account, email with your details and an enrolment administrator will organize a re-set of your account.
First place to try is the main access link here. If you don’t remember your user name or password, please use the “forgotten” function under the Login button.
Yes, you can but only once- a typical situation you would do this is if you have enrolled using only lower or upper case letters or misspelled and want you name to appear correctly on your certification. If you attempt to change the name of the account to something completely different, the malpractice algorithm will lock the account. If there is a plausible reason to change the name of the account, please contact our enrolment administrator:
You can change your password by editing the information in your profile. Strong passwords will be enforced. (1 upper case, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special character with a minimum of 8 characters total) Passwords will be valid for 90 days before they expire.
You may have enrolled on a course using a different email address than for your account. If you think this has happened, please contact our enrolment administrator: and we will consolidate your courses.
All of the courses have images of the slides included as part of the course notes transcript. If you want a larger image, you can also try to capture the slide as it appears during the video with a screen capture app.
You may not have a JavaScript plug-in enabled in your browser to link to the PDF resources. Visit this link to check your settings
This problem is related to the PDF reader plug-in of your browser and is generally limited to devices running iOS (Such as iPads). It can also be related to the Javascript function not being activated in the browser.
The device you are using does not have the correct set-up/plug-ins to view HTML5 based media. Visit this link to check your settings.
You may not have a full version of Acrobat reader, or the tool bar is hidden. Try the right click mouse function where there will be a save/print option.
If you have missed a particular document, you will need to go back to the appropriate student notes or resources link and download again.
The notes and forms you need were available in an earlier unit of learning. It is best practice to download each set and put them in a folder as you go because you refer to them many times during the course. If you have missed a particular document, you will need to go back to the appropriate student notes link and download again.
This is unusual, however these are the most common reasons this is occuring:
You may not have the JavaScript plug-in enabled in your browser to link to the PDF resources. Visit this link to check your settings.
You must allow the video to fully end and the “Next module” tab to be visible before you can progress to the assessment. If you exit the video before the “next module” tab is visible, you will return to the unfinished part of the course. As with all sections of the course, do not close the window or browser until the “next module” tab is displayed or you will just go back to the beginning of the previous unit within the module. Always use the exit tab to return to the module list when closing down.
This is probably due to not reading or understanding the questions properly or noting what the question hint is suggesting.
You are probably not following the steps as described in the Orientation section. After you have viewed/downloaded the course notes, you must use the “next module” tab to progress further. Do not close the window or browser or you will just go back to the beginning of the previous unit within the module. The same applies at the end of the presentation video. You must wait for the “next module” tab to be visible before closing or progressing.
You have exited the assessment before completing it completely or not using the exit tab. You can only move forward when the “next module” tab is displayed. As with all sections of the course, do not close the window or browser until the “next module” tab is displayed or you will just go back to the beginning of the previous unit within the module. Always use the exit tab to return to the module list when logging out.
Your internet connection is not supporting the speed required to download the streaming video. If you have previously been able to view without problems from the same device and connection then it may just be a temporary localised internet speed problem. If you are experiencing this at one particular location only, then the internet connection speed is insufficient.
If you have only got to 90% on the overall course, then it’s likely that you have missed a step. Have you completed the Summary and Comments & Opinions sections?