Introducing the Intense Pulsed Light Laser Online distance-learning course as a ‘Core of Knowledge’ (CoK) training program to provide you with a fundamental understanding of laser and light technology, how light interacts with skin to produce specific biological effects and how to use laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) safely. This Intense Pulsed Light Laser course also covers relevant standards and regulations governing their use in a professional setting in different jurisdictions.
Our laser and IPL safety courses follow the international standard “Core of Knowledge” (COK) format, covers all 20 required learning objectives/outcomes; and is delivered by 11 lessons over 4 units of learning.
Click here to read all 20 course objectives.
Training that will differentiate you from the rest….
The investment in quality on-line education is an investment in your future. By choosing the On-line Intense Pulsed Light Laser course, you will have the confidence that your educational experience is of the highest standard and mapped to international academic standards. The courses are designed by industry experts with formal qualification in their areas of expertise, including RPA 2000 certified Laser protection Adviser status. (LPA) Our courses are recognized by the leading laser authorities in both the UK (BMLA) and Australia. (Radiation Health QLD ED220). They are also approved by the ABLS (US), the RACGP (Australia), ACAM (Australia) and NZSCM (New Zealand), some of the most respected standards world-wide. By meeting these standards, you can be assured that fulfilling the Intense Pulsed Light Laser online course has future-proofed your education, no matter what regional regulatory changes occur in the future.
Your independent, international course accreditation is provided through Online User Training. It is a legal obligation in some UK jurisdictions, some states of Australia, and most states in the U.S. that a ‘Core of Knowledge’ course from a recognized or approved trainer is provided as a requirement of registration and/or licensing.
In most countries, laser/IPL operators must demonstrate competence in the form of structured, recognized training in order to obtain liability insurance. The Intense Pulsed Light Laser course consist of 11 lessons; each contain course notes, a video presentation and a multiple choice assessment. A transcript of each presentation is also available for hearing impaired learners or for off-line study. The learning outcome is an independently accredited, nationally recognized, Level 4 Award to the named student. This Intense Pulsed Light Laser online course is worth 30 CPD learning credits or 3 CEU credits (which is equivalent to a notional 30 hours of learning). Typically, the course takes 2 days to complete.
- Basic ‘must have’ course for new Intense Pulsed Light Laser source users
- Awarded 30 CPD credits or 3 CEU’s
- Certificate of completion provided instantly online
- Multiple choice assessments at the end of each of the 11 lessons
- Full course transcript
- Student resource workbooks/manual
“NB. You must undertake this course before attempting the Laser Supervisor (LSO) course.”
Why you should choose these courses – Not all Laser & ILS courses are created equal… ensure your training investment has long-term validity and credibility. Accept nothing less than world-class content providers and directors who are internationally recognized experts in their field; specialists with over 20 years experience in training of the safe use of laser & IPL devices.

Who has created Online Laser Training’s courses? What are their qualifications?

Dr Godfrey Town, PhD; International course director. Godfrey is a RPA2000 Certified laser safety advisor, clinical technologist, consultant, trainer and author. He has authored comprehensive laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation manuals, and is also a sought after presenter at global international aesthetic laser meetings. Dr Town has professional affiliations with many pre-eminent international laser organizations including ASLMS (US) ESLD (Europe) and BMLA. (UK)

Patti Owens, BSN, RN, MHA; Course director.
In addition to extensive experience in training and private consulting for leading laser device companies and medical practices, Patti works behind the scenes with many committees in the US to help develop international recommended safety standards for both laser and IPL devices.
Patti works on the committee of the standards institute ANSI, is a member of ASLMS and in 2009 co-authored the book “ Laser & Light Therapy” from the Milady’s Aesthetic series.
Content provided by Online Laser Training Ltd
Lesson 1: Laser and intense light generation and characteristics
Lesson 2: How lasers and intense light sources work – Lasers
Lesson 3: How lasers and intense light sources work – Intense Light Sources
Lesson 4: Working Safely: Non-beam Hazards
Lesson 5: Beam related Hazards
Lesson 6: Safety policies and procedures
Lesson 7: Light interaction with tissue & Thermal damage from Lasers and Intense Light Sources
Lesson 8: Treatment bandwidths using Lasers and Intense Light Sources
Lesson 9: Treatment related side effects and injury potential
Lesson 10: Regulations, Standards and Guidelines
Lesson 11: Relevant National Laser & IPL Safety Legislation: Registration and Administration Controls